New Year, Same You


"New Year, New You!”  — How many times have we heard that? A million. 

Many of us have been taught to associate the New Year with getting more fit, being more accomplished, and getting our lives more "on track.”

Goals are great to have, but if you feel yourself getting that sinking feeling in your stomach when you think of the turn of a new decade, remember this: 

You’re already great. 

You’re already kind-hearted and worthy of love. 

You’re already beautiful and so incredibly unique. 

You already have something genuine to offer the world. 

New Year’s Resolutions are only healthy if they’re rooted in healthy intentions for ourselves. Getting healthier because we genuinely love our bodies and want to improve our quality of life is a great thing...

...but getting more fit in order to look better because you aren’t satisfied with your body is not a healthy base to start from. 

Becoming the dream version of ourselves doesn’t have to be inherently bad. The key is making sure that we are looking at ourselves from a place of true, unconditional love. We all have dreams of what we want to achieve in our lives, but it’s important we make those dreams entirely for ourselves, out of love, and not for the approval of society. 

You are already worthy of so much happiness in life. Take the time this New Year to love yourself for who you already are, and what you have to offer the world beyond just your accomplishments. 

What character traits do you love about yourself that have nothing to do with what you’ve accomplished thus far in your life? 

  • I love that I am introspective and analytical. 

  • I love how much joy I get from giving life-advice and helping others work through their struggles.

  • I love how much I care about animals and our environment.

Rather than make a list of things you feel you *must* accomplish this upcoming New Year, instead take the time to write a list of all the things you genuinely love about yourself. 


If you still want to make that list of things you want to accomplish in 2020 — I’m here for it! Just make sure you make it from a place of unconditional love for yourself. 

If fitness is on your resolution list:

What if instead you just focused on sustainable ways to be more healthy? For example: doing yoga a few times a week that feels good for your individual body, and simply adding more fresh, local fruits and vegetables into your daily meals. 

If making more money or improving your finances is on your resolution list:

Try making a list of things that you have bought recently that have made you smile and brought you joy. Try spending more of your money on those things and less on other things you might be buying because you want to look better for other people. 

If improving your relationship(s) is on your resolution list:

Try instead of asking yourself how you can improve your relationship with yourself. When we work on our relationship with ourselves, we inherently improve our relationships with others. Instead of putting the focus on improving your external relationships, take the time to make a list of things you can start doing to nurture your internal relationship with you.

Some things on my “advice for dating myself” list: 

  • taking more deep breaths

  • more stretching while I’m comfy in my bed in the mornings 

  • more warm beverages and morning journal sessions

  • more yoga and meditation that works for my body and make me feel good in my skin

  • more healing and less shame 

  • less “I suck,” and “OMG, I’m so stupid,” and more “Sometimes I make mistakes and that’s okay.”

The New Year doesn’t have to bring you that sinking feeling in your gut you might be used to.

Whenever you notice yourself feeling overwhelmed or swept up in the societal pressure to constantly be improving or living your life for other people...just remember: 

You’re already great. You’re already kind-hearted and worthy of love. You’re already beautiful and so incredibly unique. You already have something genuine to offer the world. 

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Kirsten Ahlmark

Look, Kirsten is a pretty cool person. But don’t take it from us, read this short description of her and decide for yourself.

Kirsten is all about chasing your dreams, laughing ‘til it hurts, and being yourself, even when you’re not sure exactly who that is. She’s been about that ~natural life~ for several years now and loves geeking out on ingredient lists. When she’s not writing copy, you can catch this girl making YouTube videos, howling with her (really cool) chihuahua, or whipping up somethin’ in the kitchen.

Kirsten Ahlmark