Staying Safe and Staying Strong


While still in the midst of a global pandemic, we were able to continue accomplishing great things thanks to the support from our partners and global community of activists, donors, and volunteers.

With so many important causes you could give to, we can’t tell you enough how much your continued support has meant to us. Unfortunately, breast cancer doesn’t stop when things are topsy-turvey - but neither do we! We’re here with you and for you, as always. 

So, here are just a few of the amazing things we accomplished this year!

Keep A Breast Global Impact 2021


The pandemic has given us some time to reflect and throughout this time we updated our Mission and Mantra, to better represent who we are and where we’re headed as an organization rooted in action.

Because prevention is still the cure. And awareness is not enough. Not anymore.


We launched the NEW Keep A Breast app in Spanish and worked with six amazing artists from Mexico for this exciting KAB milestone. They created incredible artwork which they debuted for the launch to help spread the word about our app!

We are proud of our new and improved self-check resource designed to support you through every step of your self-check, including connecting you with virtual care through our amazing partners in case you find something concerning during your check.

In one year since its launch in 2020, the KAB App has grown to ​​21,424 users globally, with 33,517 self-checks performed.


Fit 4 Prevention got a virtual makeover for its 5th year! We partnered with 70 studios/gyms on virtual and outdoor, socially distanced donation-based workout classes and had 409 people participate nationwide.

We grew the KAB Give Back Grants program by 1,500% and were able to award $120K to 240 grantees (at $500) to BIPOC women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer nationwide. 

We dug hard into our online education, providing self-care resources for helping us all make this time a little easier. 

We spent time in The Democratic Republic of Congo, continuing our grassroots efforts from the last four years, focusing on education in the Haut-Katanga region. Educating 2,223 women with over 68 face-to-face hours of education workshops performed in schools, churches, women’s centers, and in the street.

for your love and support in 2021. We’re so glad to be here for you. 

With love,

Shaney jo Darden (Founder, CCO) & Lorene Carpentier-Alins (CEO)

and the whole KAB crew!

ActionKeep A Breast