Join Us In Exploring Tons Of Ways To Use Chia & All The Health Benefits For Chia Week!


We love chia! There, we said it.

We love chia on almost everything and with almost everything, so we have teamed up with Mamma Chia to give you all the facts about chia and how it's basically the most magical. Chia seeds are high in Omega-3 acids and antioxidants. Studies at Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center have even showed that Omega-3 fatty acid intake may decrease the risk of developing breast cancer.

So Sept 7-12 we are doing all things chia through videos, blogs, giveaways and chia facts to show how easy it is to lower your risk for breast cancer! Join us for the next few days as we share many ways to use chia and all the health benefits we reap when we add it to our diets.

A few reasons we heart chia:

The Fiber Is Real

Many Americans don’t even get half of the amount of fiber they require daily. With one ounce of chia seeds, you get 10 grams of fiber, that’s half the amount of fiber women need daily. Fiber keeps you feeling full for longer, helping with maintaining and losing weight, it can help lower blood pressure, and high fiber diets are associated with a lower risk of diabetes. Fiber is also a vital part of a healthy preventative diet and if you've been diagnosed, especially fiber from greens and seeds.

Calcium For The Win

We’ve all heard that we need to drink our milk to help keep our bones strong, but really all you need are leafy greens and some chia in your life. A serving of chia has 18 percent of your daily calcium intake; just one smoothie and you’re on your way to keeping those bones and teeth happy and healthy. They also contain a hefty amount of phosphorus, which also keeps bones healthy and even aids in the cell repair and regrowth.

Brain Health to the Omega-3

With nearly 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids in each serving, chia seeds are taking brain health and heart disease very serious. They are vital in brain memory and function, and a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids has been known to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and other cardiac related diseases. It has been found that Omega-3s actually help the heart beat stay steady and not veer in a dangerous direction.

Easy Ways to Use Chia:

Did you know that chia seeds can be used as an egg substitute? Or that you can literally just drink it in your water?

It's true, here are a few easy ways to use chia so you can get started (Don't worry if you forget, we'll show you all week long):

  1. Chia = Flour Substitute: ½ cup chia seeds in small blender or coffee grinder. Store in airtight container. Use as 1-1 replacement for wheat flour.
  2. Chia = Egg Substitute: 1 tbsp ground chia (grind in small blender or coffee grinder). Add 3 tbsp water & stir. Place in fridge for 15 min. Yield = one egg. Tip! You can also use broth or nut milk to add flavor.
  3. Chia x Pudding: ½ Cup chia seeds, 2 cups non-dairy milk of choice, add spices & sweeteners of choice (cinnamon, vanilla, maple syrup, etc), whisk together. Refrigerate overnight. Add fruit & Mamma Chia Granola. Makes 4 servings!
  4. Chia x Water: Add 1-2 tbsp of chia seeds to water, they can swell up to 12x their normal size. Chia water keeps you hydrated longer, and helps to avoid leg cramping, reduce inflammation, and joint pain.
  5. Chia x Condiments: Mix chia gel (1 tbsp + 3 tbsp room temp water) in condiments like mustard, ketchup, salsa, mayo, and vinaigrettes to increase their nutrients, and cut their fat and calories. It adds volume & helps you consume less sugars that are added to processed foods.
  6. Chia x Drinks: Mix chia gel (2 tbsp chia seeds + 1 tbsp room temp water) in shakes and smoothies. Chia is a complete protein with all 9 amino acids. Add chia to your protein shake & drink it an hour after a workout to build & repair muscles.

We're not exaggerating, it really is magical! How often is something so good for us able to do SO MANY things?

P.S. Mamma Chia is so rad and gave us a special discount to get 20% off your order on their site with CHIATHING20.

So you may be wondering, how can I get involved in this wondrous Chia Week?

It's easy!

  1. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We'll be posting super awesome chia facts, recipes, videos and stories on how to use chia. And follow Mamma Chia for all things chia all the time!
  2. Enter the Mamma Chia x KAB giveaway to win a bunch of chia goodies and i love boobies! stuff.
  3. Share how you use chia with #ItsaChiathing on social and we might share your chia creation.

Chia Week Infographic


EducationMonica Schrock