There’s been an ongoing conversation happening in the breast cancer community for a while. A conversation about whether or not checking yourself helps detect a cancer diagnosis or is even necessary for your own health. In 2009, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force pretty much recommended "against teaching breast self-examination (BSE)." Crazy, right? Here at Keep A Breast, we strongly believe that knowing your body and your "normal" is essential to your health. It's crucial to understand and be aware when something is wrong, even as a teen or young adult.
Read MoreHayley McIntire was only 28 when she felt a lump in her breast. Like every young woman, she felt invincible and waited months to go to the doctor. Find out what happened when she finally did and why you should always follow your gut feeling.
Read MoreLauren Makiyevskiy of The Daily Debut shares her story of being diagnosed with breast cancer when she was only 26. Find out how she found out and her advice for young women everywhere.
Read MoreWhen your career heights take you around the world on tour — from Russia to Central America, from India to touring all over the U.K., Europe and North America - for twenty years - how do you deal with breast cancer? Find out how international recording artist, Bif Naked accidentally discovered her own lump and the advice she has for young women everywhere.
Read MoreWe all take showers everyday. We know our bodies well. But exactly how well do you know your own body? Would you notice any changes? Jane Hutchinson was only 35 when a normal day in the shower turned into a trip to the doctor. Find out how she overcame that moment and how it's changed her life for the better.
Read MoreLove them, loathe them, selfies are here to stay and we’re challenging you to put them to good use. This October, The Keep A Breast Foundation wants you to join us in taking the first step in becoming your own breast health advocate. Take the #checkyourselfie pledge & commit to a self-check every month.
Read MoreI’m one of those people that loves boobies! and I think they are all amazing and beautiful, no matter what shape or size. TaTa Top loves boobies too, and this is why!
Read MoreHolistic nutritionist, Shanna Mota, believes in the power of food to heal us and give us power. She's giving us a few tips on how to eat for the summer season so you can look and feel your best.
Read MoreA husband shares what he learned from the journey through his wife’s fight against breast cancer & gives some encouraging advice to those wanting to find a way to help the survivors in their lives.
Read MoreBoobies 101: Lymphatic System! How do we protect our boobies if we don’t know what they’re all about? The Lymphatic System plays a big role in removing harmful toxins from your body and fighting infections such as cancer. Find out how it detoxes and ways you can continue to help it do so.
Read MoreMercedes Arn-Horn of Canadian Pop Punk band, Courage My Love, shares her breast cancer story of courage and hope. When she was 15 years old she met a 20 year old breast cancer survivor who changed her life. This is her story.
Read MoreKen Block and DC Shoes have collaborated to create a special all-pink shoe to benefit Keep A Breast! Block will wear the shoes to all his remain races to spread breast cancer awareness in the racing community.
Read MoreSurfer and survivor Sharishta Shourie was diagnosed with breast cancer at the young age of 25. If she could go back, she would choose not to have cancer, but she wouldn’t trade what the experience showed her about the loving people in her life.
Read MoreThe 10th Annual Ink N Iron festival slated for June 6th, 7th & 8th on board the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA will debut Keep A Breast Foundation Breast Casts of amazing women and artists in the tattoo community. Sullen Art Collective booth along with other beautiful pieces and vintage culture.
Read MoreCalavera swimwear and tattoo artist Kim Saigh have teamed up to create two unique swimsuits to benefit the Keep A Breast Foundation. 50% of the proceeds for these beautiful suits will go towards breast cancer awareness and education!
Read MoreIt’s because of my mom that I am who I am, and that I have the guts and the strength to do what I do every day and I'm going to let her know it.
Read MoreThe Keep A Breast Foundation recently had the opportunity to meet and cast Malice Munro for Angel City Derby Girl's Eat Your Art Out fundraiser. Malice shared with us her personal story and connection to cancer and how roller derby has been a huge influence in her life.
Read MoreCelebrate 34 years of Earth Day by doing some simple things that will help you and the environment. Many things that lower your risk for breast cancer are also good for our planet and can be pretty fun!
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