How Can A Young Woman Be Aware Of Any Changes In Her Breasts Without Actually Checking Them?

There’s been an ongoing conversation happening in the breast cancer community for a while. A conversation about whether or not checking yourself helps detect a cancer diagnosis or is even necessary for your own health. In 2009, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force pretty much recommended "against teaching breast self-examination (BSE)." Crazy, right? Here at Keep A Breast, we strongly believe that knowing your body and your "normal" is essential to your health. It's crucial to understand and be aware when something is wrong, even as a teen or young adult.

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EducationKeep A Breast
We Love TaTa Top!

I’m one of those people that loves boobies! and I think they are all amazing and beautiful, no matter what shape or size. TaTa Top loves boobies too, and this is why!

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Keep A Breast